Farm Notes
October Nourishment
Is there any better time of year than October? The cooler temperatures are a welcome change from the summer’s heat. The later sunrise and earlier sunset mean shorter days and … October Nourishment
A Playful Country Fair
September and October are the perfect months for country fairs throughout Central New York. The cooler breezes, the chilly night air, and the changing color of the leaves always seem … A Playful Country Fair
A Woman and Her Dog
I had such high hopes when I heard my friend Fiona had border collie puppies for sale. Fiona has been a life-long friend, raising herding dogs and professionally managing multi-million-dollar … A Woman and Her Dog
Mothers of All Stripes
In early February, we had a sheep give birth to two lambs, one female and one male. As is my practice, I placed the new babies and their mum in … Mothers of All Stripes
Farm Kids & Driving
This month marks a rather auspicious birthday for our youngest daughter. Margaret is turning 16 and cannot wait to be a fully licensed driver. Of course, she is no different … Farm Kids & Driving
Free Money
How is THAT for a story title? I bet it caught your eye. If you saw that headline in the newspaper or on television you might think, “There is no … Free Money
The 10-Year Challenge
Perhaps you may have noticed the hashtag “10-Year-Challenge” trending on the various social media platforms lately. Users are encouraged to share a picture of themselves from ten years ago versus … The 10-Year Challenge
I love windows and in particular, clean windows. I don’t relish washing them, necessarily, but I’d gladly argue that a crystal-clear, clean window is one of life’s simplest pleasures. I recently spent a warm(ish) week in November washing all 19 windows and a set of … Windows
Farmers Helping Farmers
A friend asked me recently how I would feel if there was more competition in the Mohawk Valley for our farm’s products. It is a fair question, I guess; especially … Farmers Helping Farmers
Planning for Winter
If I’ve developed one good habit, it’s using a “to-do” list. I’m actually pretty religious about it. In fact, I have not one but TWO whiteboards (one in my office … Planning for Winter
I Can’t Brie-lieve it’s not Cheddar! by Harper Jones
Sitting on top of a grassy hill, keeping watch over our herd of goats, it’s easy to get caught up in thoughts about the shepherds of yore. The sun beating … I Can’t Brie-lieve it’s not Cheddar! by Harper Jones
Summer Visitors
Summer and farming go hand in hand. It started gradually in May with tilling, rock picking, and planting. First cut hay came and went in early June. By July, our pastured chickens were ready for … Summer Visitors
Thinking About Fiber
For my June article in Mohawk Valley Living, I wrote about my recent experience selling a group of ewe lambs for breeding stock. I (slightly) underpriced my lambs, not fully appreciating … Thinking About Fiber
Raising & Selling Breeding Stock
We recently sold a group of ewe (female) lambs to a fellow farmer in Norwich, who will be using them as breeding stock. It’s a nice feeling selling young stock … Raising & Selling Breeding Stock
Earth Day
Last year marked 50 years of celebrating Earth Day. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, as our nation was realizing the environmental damage done by allowing air and … Earth Day
The Waiting
Nineteen years ago, in early March, I was on an airplane circling O’Hare, waiting to land in Chicago. I had 4-month-old baby Harper in my lap, travelling home alone to see my very sick … The Waiting
The Farmer’s Park-It
They say extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. This phrase perfectly encapsulates the local food industry during COVID. At the very beginning of the pandemic almost one year ago (feels … The Farmer’s Park-It
Checking for Full Bellies
Winter is for babies on our farm. Lambs and kid goats begin to arrive right around Thanksgiving, with an ebb and flow of new births continuing right on through February. … Checking for Full Bellies
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
Hello from the farm and happy December! This year has not been easy and so much yet lies ahead of all of us. On our farm, and on farms all … ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
A Girl and Her Lamb
Back in May of this year, when we were just settling into the new world of COVID, my friend Brenda called me up. Her daughter Jenna was looking for a … A Girl and Her Lamb
Planned Obsolescence
Some say that household appliances, vehicles, and gadgets are engineered to break or wear out within a certain amount of time, a concept called “planned obsolescence.” I have always assumed … Planned Obsolescence
Finding Work-Life Balance on the Farm is a STRETCH
Oh, August…where did you go? We spent much of our time making mozzarella, a cheese in high demand during tomato season. My husband Peter starts the process early in the … Finding Work-Life Balance on the Farm is a STRETCH
From Cow to Cone (A “Sweet” Business)
Summer is by far our busiest season on the farm. We’re raising chickens on pasture for area restaurants, small stores, and farmer’s market customers. We’re making cheese (almost) every day … From Cow to Cone (A “Sweet” Business)
We Reap What We Sow
So much has happened since the last Mohawk Valley Living was published; I hardly know where to start this month’s column! While I enjoyed a little “time off” from writing, … We Reap What We Sow
Resiliency and Interdependence
Sometimes I wonder why we got into farming. Why do we work so many hours, in all sorts of weather, in one of the least glamorous jobs for uncertain pay? … Resiliency and Interdependence
The Grass is Always Greener
While March is still very much “winter” for those of us in Central New York, it signals the beginning of the end. The longer daylight hours mean I’m not doing … The Grass is Always Greener
Groundhog Day
The tradition of pulling a groundhog out of its burrow to see (or not see) his shadow and forecast the coming of spring is so perfectly silly—so utterly ridiculous—I think … Groundhog Day
A Tale of Two Turkeys
Happy New Year! I hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. We had the wonderful pleasure of spending time with family and friends, sharing good food and easy … A Tale of Two Turkeys
Cold and Snowy Decembers
In my humble opinion, cold and snowy Decembers are the absolute BEST. December is my birth month, so my favorite memories of this time of year are when we had … Cold and Snowy Decembers
Clean Barn, Happy Moms
We just finished one of the biggest, smelliest jobs of all on our farm—cleaning out the barn. And I’m so glad it’s done, just in time for baby lambs and … Clean Barn, Happy Moms